Wavewalk’s patented ultralight, portable catamaran microskiff deliver the best stability, comfort and seaworthiness for their size, and our Texan clients love them, whether they use them inland, on the flats, or out there, in the gulf.
Take the time to learn more, and see how a Wavewalk can make life easier for you, and fishing more productive and enjoyable.
Checkout the Wavewalk S4 – The stablest, most comfortable, and most seaworthy car-top micro skiff out there –
More Wavewalk S4 Info »
Read Mike’s review of his S4 microskiff »
This figure shows the S4 and its basic features –

Do you want to drive in the ocean chop? – No problem with the S4, since it’s more seaworthy than many bigger boats.
Need to fish the flats and drive or paddle in very shallow water, or in mangrove tunnels? – No problem with the S4, since it weighs just 98 lbs without the motor, and drafts less than any microskiff.
Can you do this with any other motor kayak, microskiff, or boat? –
Need to fish or hunt for ducks in muddy water and marshes? – No problem, since the Wavewalk S4 works perfectly with a surface drive (mud motor).

Need to take a fishing buddy on board, or even two? – No problem, since the Wavewalk S4 has a load capacity (payload) of 600 lbs.

Need room for lots of camping and fishing gear? – No problem, since all Wavewalk kayaks and micro skiffs conveniently offer a huge space for on board storage